Avatar Goias Avatar Vila Nova
2024-10-13 21:30, UTC
Avatar Serie B. Regular Season - 31
Avatar Goiânia, Goiás, Brazil
Estádio de Hailé Pinheiro
Half Time Winning Probabilities
Full Time Winning Probabilities
Ball Possession
Number of Corners
Number of Half Time Goals
Number of Full Time Goals
Number of Blocked Shots
Number of Team Fouls
Number of Goalkeeper Saves
Number of Offsides
Number of Accurate Passes
Accurate Passes Percentage
Number of Yellow Cards
Number of Red Cards
Number of Total Shots
Number of Total Passes
Number of Shots on Goal
Number of Shots off Goal
Number of Shots Inside the Box
Number of Shots Outside the Box

Note: Some results may show certain inconsistency (example: number of goals inconsistent with game winner). Please take into account that the predictions are performed independently for every variable by the Machine Learning models. This app was not designed in order to show accurate future results (which would be impossible anyway) but to interpretate possible trends.